Gruppe beim Wandern

Who we arePrehistory

Yunite has many masterminds and precursors, countless ideas and developments flow into Yunite. In 2012 Human Connection was founded, in 2020 the network was closed. The self-developed software was further maintained under the name Ocelot. Yunitas was created in 2016 from its predecessor Cooperation Network. In 2020, the Transition Network was developed as an extension of Transition News and Transition TV – further development was stopped in 2022. In parallel, the Graswurzle association was created.


Christoph Pfluger

Communication, Finance, Network

Christoph Pfluger

Journalist, publisher, book author (“The Strategy of Peaceful Upheaval,” “The Next Money”), editor of the bimonthly magazine Zeitpunkt, initiator of Transition News, Transition Network, etc.
For more information, visit

Lars Ebert

Concept & Project Management

Lars Ebert

Biophysicist, book author, on the editorial team of Transition News, initiator of

Ulf Tramsen

Design, Partnerships, Marketing

Ulf Tramsen

Graphic designer, owner of advertising agency Tramsen Media

Development Team

Ulf Gebhardt

Communication & Strategy

Ulf Gebhardt

Wolfgang Huss

Communication, Concept & Programming

Wolfgang Huss

Moriz Wahl

Moriz Wahl

Concept & Programming

Moriz Wahl

And other creative minds…